Saturday, August 25, 2012

P90X: Day 6 Round 3.5

I had to switch things up a little here today. The scheduled workout for today is KenpoX but since Mike and I are spending an evening out together, I decided to do Xstretch today (he's not a fan of it and prefers a full rest day) and move KenpoX to tomorrow so we can remain workout buddies.

I love Xstretch. To me, it's a relaxing hour that rewards my body for all of the hard work it's done during the prior 6 days (5 days in this case). The stretching helps to ease all of the soreness of the week and it's something that helps me to clear my head.

The only move I didn't feel comfortable doing was Shoulder Stand to Plough. It's a move I've always been leery of and I certainly am not taking any chances since I am still recovering.

Overall it was a wonderful hour of stretching. My booty, hip-flexors and especially my hamstrings are all very happy that I opted to do this today and not just make it a rest day.

Tomorrow will now be KenpoX which means I'll finally be jab, cross, hook, upper-cutting my way to happiness and hopefully the ab definition I've always dreamed of.

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