About Nikki

Hi, My name is Nikki.  I am Graphic Designer by trade, Cake Decorator by default and I am also a maid/chauffer/chef/etc to my family.

I am an Independent Beachbody Coach, P90X obsessed mom of two who has found a new love for fitness and being healthy.

I have completed 2 rounds of P90X , 1 round of ChaLEAN Extreme and I have recently conquered INSANITY. <--------I earned that t-shirt, people!

I have always struggled with my weight. For as long as I can remember I was always the "fat girl" in the group. I tried losing weight and dieting but I never stuck with anything. I would get frustrated and give up.

In late May of 2009 weighing in at 211 pounds (probably more with my all time high being 242 pounds while 9 months pregnant with my first child) something finally clicked...after years of being unhappy I decided it was time to do something about it. It was also the first time I ever heard of P90X as a friend of mine at the time was starting his journey on it.

I did not start with P90X right away. I started by tweaking my diet and adding cardio or yoga workouts on a daily basis. By mid/late September 2009 I had lost 30 pounds and decided it was time to give P90X a shot. I was instantly addicted to it and loved to hate every second of the hell Tony Horton put me through.

Unfortunately in early November I re-injured two herniated discs in my lower back while at work and I had to stop my workouts until January 2010. I jumped back into P90X although I had to modify a few exercises in each DVD so I would not re-injure myself.

After my first round of P90X I lost 6 inches from my waist and have gone on to lose more using the other Beachbody programs I've mentioned. I have lost over 70lbs since I started my journey in May 2009,  and I have gone from a tight size 16 to a 6 (which are getting big now).

If you are interested in Beachbody products, trying the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse or just looking for a new fitness routine be sure to click on the tabs above or contact me!

Thanks for visiting,

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