Shakeology Cleanse

What IS Shakeology?

Shakeology is a delicious, nutritious meal-in-a-glass. With over 70 healthy ingredients and low on calories, this is the perfect complement to any weight loss or fitness program.  It is filling and satisfying and will help you slim down and get fit while providing you with essential vitamins and nutrients.

It is a no-fuss, easy to prepare shake that comes in 2 amazing tastes: Greenberry or Chocolate. This power meal can fire up your metabolism, improve your energy levels and help you lose inches and pounds. This healthy meal in a glass is a solution to help you get past plateaus and into fat-burning mode. Shakology is a catalyst for changing your body.

Watch this short video and find out what is in the Healthiest Meal of the Day"

The Shakeology 3-day cleanse is an innovative way to use Shakeology as a cleanse. It's pretty simple to follow. Three Shakeology shakes a day, three fruits, 2 cups of green tea and a salad for dinner. All you do is simply have one Shakeology every 3-4 hours followed by an evening meal of a salad with 3-5 ounces of protein such as grilled chicken or fish.  You should also use 2 tablespoons of a healthy oil with your dressing or if you are using salsa add the healthy oil to salsa and mix until completely incorporated. You may use your three fruits either as snacks or added to your shakes. There seems to be another way of doing the cleanse without the fruit and there is another one without the tea but with the workouts I do I think the added calories from the fruit will help me.

The morning you start the cleanse be sure to weigh yourself and take your measurements. You will want to measure 2 inches above the belly button, at the belly button, and 2 inches below the belly button. If you can include your body fat that is great!

The Shakeology 3-day cleanse will not deplete your body of vital nutrients like other cleanses can. It does not require you to do it days on end, some cleansing diets can  last up to 10 days! Shakeology comes in two flavors, Chocolate and Greenberry (I prefer the Chocolate but some people love the Greenberry).  Best of all, Shakeology is made from the finest whole food ingredients found around the world so it is a perfect way to jump start your way into clean eating.

What you will need:

3 SHAKEOLOGY Shakes per day (blended with water and ice - no milk, almond milk or soy milk)
2 cups of green tea per day (Triple Leaf Detox Tea is good choice but any decaf green tea will work)
3 pieces of fruit per day (Apple, pear, orange, banana, etc - if you are working out - if not try to go with 1 per day)
1 salad for dinner per day (lettuce, veggies, lean protein)
4 oz lean protein for your salad per day (WHITE poultry or fish)
Only Low Fat Dressings

IMPORTANT NO DAIRY  (no almond, soy, or rice milk) & NO EXTRA SUGARS!

If it’s not on the list, don’t eat it!

Sample Menu (Repeat all three days):

1 cup of green tea

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
Optional: ½ cup of fruit (only for the super conditioned – not the weight challenged)

1 piece of fruit

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water

1 cup of green tea

Shakeology – 1 scoop, blended with ice & 8-10 oz of water
(This snack can be before or after dinner)

– Lettuce/veggies
– 4 oz lean protein (WHITE fish or poultry)
– Light Dressing

Some people who have done the cleanse found that having the salad for lunch instead of dinner gave them a mid-day energy boost. Feel free to play around with the order that you have things to fit into your daily lifestyle.

The benefits of the cleanse is to rid body of fat, detoxify body, jump start weight loss & body rejuvenation.

If you are interesting in started this cleanse yourself and would like to know how to order Shakeology please visit and order it from my BeachBody website!

Day 1 Blog

Day 2 Blog

Day 3 Blog

My Results

Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse FAQ
Here are the answers to some of the most commonly asked questions:

1. How many calories per day?
800 to 1,100 calories per day

2. How often can I do the Shakeology 3-Day Cleanse?
Ideally, you should do it once per quarter (every 3 months)
As the seasons change
Before starting a new workout program
When you feel you need help breaking through a plateau

3. Should/Can I still do my workouts during the Cleanse?
Depends on the individual
You’ll have less energy than normal, so consider doing it during a recovery week
Try not to do in the middle of P90X® or INSANITY®

4. Can I do a 1-day or a 2-day cleanse instead of a 3-day?
Yes! Some people will see results with one or two days
We recommend against continuing the cleanse for more than three days.

5. Should/Can I take other Beachbody® supplements during the Cleanse?
Results and Recovery Formula™: No, too much sugar/calories
Others (Omega-3, etc.): Not necessary, but won’t hurt either
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