Tuesday, March 6, 2012

Looking At The Big Picture

I know I have spent a lot of time on here calling myself a slacker...and honestly, sometimes I truly feel like one. However, when I look back at how far I have come and how despite not really working out for the past few months I have maintained my weight, I'm actually very successful.

When I started doing P90X and Insanity, I knew it wasn't a level of working out that I wanted to maintain forever. I don't think my body would like me very much if I did that everyday with no true breaks. I knew I wanted to reach a point where I could workout 2-3 days a week and just eat healthy to maintain a normal, healthy weight for my height and age. I knew I'd eventually hit the point of needing balance...between workouts, nutrition, life and work...cause let's face it, there are just not enough hours in the day for all of these things on a regular basis.

I am proud, that as the 3 year mark approaches, I am still on my journey. I have reached my goal, lost over 100lbs, maintained my progress and I'm planning new and exciting ways to improve myself. I am proud that I have been able to inspire others to improve themselves and change the bad habits that they hated for so long. I'm proud of my hard work and determination to see this through and finally achieve something that I thought was just a dream.

Every now and then we should all stop to reflect on the great things that we have achieved. It's so easy to dwell on the negative or get hung up on the slip ups we made along the way. I know first hand how hard it is to stay positive sometimes, but keep your focus not on how many times you trip and fall, but on how many times you get back up, dust yourself off, and keeping moving on.

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  1. Good post, Nikki! Good for you! It's good to turn around and look at how far we've come, even if we might have paused on our path. I, too, have been a slacker in more ways than one lately. But, like you, I'm still on my journey too!

  2. Thanks Marlon. You have truly had your hands full over the last few months. I saw on Twitter and via your blog that you have started juicing. Have you noticed a change in how you feel yet? How does the reboot juice taste?

  3. I am feeling healthier with the juice... I'm not sure if I can quantify it, though. My allergies are still an issue and they will likely be an ongoing issue. I'll be honest, at first I didn't really like the reboot juice. It wasn't terrible but it wasn't that good. Now, I've actually like it. What's even more enjoyable is watching other people's reactions to my drinking the green juice. :)

  4. This is a great message. After the big lifestyle changes to get healthy, it's important to find the habits you can maintain for a lifetime, and throw in those challenges every so often to keep things interesting.
