Thursday, March 1, 2012

Trying Something New

Recently, a few of the ladies I follow on twitter have been doing a "What I Wore" blog each day and I found myself enjoying it and wanting to participate. The issue? a) I didn't feel my blog was built for posts like that and b) well...I'm a jeans and t-shirt kinda girl.

I started thinking about these two things and I realized that there is no reason why I can't dress "cute" every now and then. Most times I'm headed to work and I don't wear anything good to go there as it would just get ruined. However, if I go out to run errands at night or on my day off, I can put a little effort into my attire. The other thing I started thinking about was that I can fit that kind of stuff into my blog. It's part of my journey and I am able to fit into clothes I like now because I have busted my butt and lost all of the weight I felt I always needed to cover up under baggy, shapeless clothing and sweaters.

So, here are three outfits I wore this week. I seem to be attracted to stripes lately (probably because overweight people and stripes were always a no-no). I'm taking baby steps with this stuff and to be honest, the victory is in the fact that I'm not wearing a sports or Star Wars t-shirt.

I wore this Saturday night to a neighbors house for a get together.

Animal Print Shirt from Forever 21 purchased 2-years ago
Black cardigan from Target purchased this year
I wore a pair of dark wash jeans and boots with this. 

I wore this on Sunday to go grocery shopping.

Striped shirt - purchased at Target last week.
Grey sweater - purchased at Target a few months ago.

Jeans from Charlotte Russe purchased last year.
Shoes which you can't see are a pair of grey Converse (my favorites) 

Yesterday outfit was worn to do some training at work, for a trip the mall and lunch with my husband.

V-neck t-shirt from Target - purchased this year.
Striped sweater from Target - purchased the other day.White scarf - purchased at Five Below
Jeans from H&M - given to me by a friend to serve as goal jeans (they sat on a shelf in my closet for a long time!)

Purse - I believe I bought that at Target 3 years ago. 
Shoes - which you can't see are a pair of UGGS - I know, I know...they're comfy and it was chilly so get over it! 
Here you have attempts at putting some effort into my attire. To some, this is super casual but to me, it's slightly out of my junior high school boy comfort zone. Maybe some day you will see a major pop of color, a skirt and some heels....but don't hold your breath on that one.

blog sig

 A special thank you to Jac, Beth and Amy for inspiring me to put forth a little effort. It's time I realize I don't have to hide behind clothing and I can use it to show off all of my hard work.

P.S. - I have no idea why some of my captions wouldn't center on this post. All of my setting seem correct on here, but I'm late for work and can't fight with it anymore. Sorry.


  1. You look great in all of those! Yayy for branching away from the t-shirts! Fashion doesn't have to be daunting - it's usually a lot of fun! {spoken like the true fashion major that I was!;)} I have that same gray cardigan from Target! I love it! I love this addition to the blog!

  2. Since I have only seen the "after" pictures, what would I know? You wear it all very well! :-) Lately I've been thinking that even a techie guy like me needs to dress better than I do (same as you, jeans and casual shirts). I've been working on my posture, whether or not my arms are looking bigger, so why not look a little more put together?

    Keep up the good work on the personal development. If you're thinking it, we're probably struggling with the same things too.

  3. I love this! All great choices. I have found that my greatest style influences have been my girl friends and blogging my wardrobe choices just motivate me to NOT wear sweats and the knock-off Uggs I wear to shovel the driveway. I always have believed that clothing can effect your mood. The better you dress the better you will feel!

    Love the stripes. I seem to have a thing for polka-dots lately. Go figure!
