Monday, April 18, 2011

30 Days...

Recently I discovered that I work well with 30 Day goals.

That's a good thing, cause I have a little over 30 days to get my booty in gear and hit a few goals before meeting the lovely @TabBenedict at the Beachbody Game Plan event, being held in Rochester, NY!

I had the pleasure of meeting Tab for the first time at the "Bring It!" book signing event in Long Island, back in January. We followed that up with a fun day in NYC and I've been wanting a chance to hang with her again ever since.

Lucky for me, she messaged me last week and told me about this event. Granted it's a 6+ hour drive away but why not?! Every girl deserves a weekend getaway, right?

Now, it's stuff like this that makes me bring my "A game". I KNOW Tab is pushing play daily and working hard to hit her goals....I can't show up like an out of shape slacker, especially since I believe there is a group workout involved as well. It's bad enough I took breaks at the last one due to the heat. SMH. And yes, I do have a competitive side to's part of my charm.

To prepare for this event and meet up, I have started another round of ChaLEAN Extreme. I just completed week 1 and feel great so far. I need to up my protein which is a little tricky with the vegetarian aspect of things (those who follow me, know I cheated last week, but I've been good since the rib incident) and my booty has been screaming all week which is a good thing....especially with summer coming!

So that's where I'm at right now. Anyone else attending this event? If so, let me know! I'd love to meet up with you.

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