Saturday, March 12, 2011

Sometimes A Coach Needs A Coach

Now Hiring: Someone to keep me on track, make me accountable and get me to fully recommit to my fitness goals. Must be willing to deal with my sometimes (cough-cough) thick-headed attitude, help me regain focus and push me back on track, so I can cross the finish line.

Yes. You read the above correctly. I need help. I need someone to coach ME. I seem to have lost focus with the increase of hours at my job and that can not be an excuse. I need some accountability for myself so I'm turning to my fellow tweeters, Beachbody friends and fitness folks for help.

I am having trouble sticking to a program. Heck, I'm having an issue sticking to anything. I am all over the place with my workouts and I need to correct this.

If you are interested in applying for this (unpaid) position, please comment below, tweet me, Facebook message me, e-mail me or send a carrier pigeon...anything.

This coach needs a coach! Stat!

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  1. Sadly, I'm in the same boat. I've been making tons of well-intended plans but not following through... We were pretty good at checking with each other a while back. Let's help each other out!

    Good news, though: My wife has been killing it with Hip Hop Abs. She's feeling and looking better. She's at a women's retreat for church this weekend and even did her workout in the hotel room last night. Maybe she can be our coach...

  2. Fred from Long IslandMarch 12, 2011 at 9:22 AM

    Sure, I'd be glad to help. My career goals need a little help, for sure, but I am at least holding steady with diet and fitness, plus or minus a piece of cake. :-) I do like to help people with that sort of thing.

  3. We all need coaches, Nikki! That's why I loved doing Insanity with the #insanecrew. We were all coaching and encouraging each other. It was inspiring!
