I apologize in advance if I am all over the place...
First off I am in Round 2 - Phase 3 of P90X. I have slacked off a little bit and missed a few workouts over the past 2 weeks but I will make them up before the 90 days are over. The same thing happened to me in Round 1 and I just doubled up and plugged along like a trooper.
One of the reasons I have been slacking off is that I haven't been feeling up to par lately. I have been sluggish, light headed and prone to headaches. I have tried playing around with my calorie intake and things improve for a day or two but then go back to this off feeling. I decided it was time to go to the doctor to see what was going on. EKG was fine and I am waiting for blood results to see if maybe it is a thyroid issue.
I am still hopelessly in love with the fitness trail. My longest distance so far was an 8 mile walk/run last month. It was such a great feeling to know that I pushed that hard and stayed within the time constraints I put on myself.
Most of my walks/runs after that have been in the 3-4 mile range and I am now hoping to do them daily since my daughter goes to camp where the fitness trail is so I am there anyway...might as well get a workout in right?!
Since falling in love with walking I have started to run a bit more. Mind you I only run when I do the trail by myself because I feel like a complete and total moron when I run. I have pacing issues that I am working on and can only go about a 1/2 mile before burning out and needing to walk for a bit and then resuming a run again.
I would love to be able to do the whole 3 mile lap in a run by fall without needing those breaks. For now my goal is the keep all walks at a pace of 16 min per mile or lower because I would love to do one of the half marathon walks in Disney next year and that is part of the rules.
I had my first Power 90 graduate last month and my husband is finishing in 3 days! I am so excited, proud and happy for both of them! My friend is going on to do the Power 90 Masters Series and my husband is going to move up to P90X!
This past week I have also been approached by numerous people at my daughters camp who haven't seen me in almost an year. They all want to know how I have kept myself going, what my secret is and I have been told by a few that I am their inspiration. It is a truly amazing and touching to have someone look you in the eye and tell you that. It is something I NEVER thought I would be.
Pull-ups....I have become obsessed with wanting to do them on the bar. I don't have one in my house and have screwy doorways so the bars that just hook over the door don't work here. I keep looking at the one on the fitness trail and I want to try it but I can't get up the nerve. I am thinking about going to my friends house and trying her husbands out. At least if I can't do it I will fail in private and not on an open to the public fitness trail. I know...way to be positive.
Other than that I just have lots of random thoughts swirling around in my mind which makes me feel like I have ADD. I am thankful for the fitness trail which allows me to have some time to talk about things with my friends or clear my head alone as I zone out to The Prodigy.
Lastly I would like to give a HUGE thank you to my buddy for listening to me and helping to guide me the past few weeks. You mean more to me than you may ever know. XOXO
I think you're doing just fine! Maybe the slothy feelings are related to you just being in a low point in your biorhythms. It happens to everyone i think. You'll be okay. =]
ReplyDeleteI also think that if you can do dive bomber pushups then a pull up should be no problem. =] I say check the trail to see if anyone is coming, then run towards the bar, jump!, pullup and land on your feet. =] That would certainly call for a 9.5 from the Russian judge. =D
Keep up the awesome work, buddy!!! You ARE an inspiration! Not only to those around you but to yourself too. =] <3