Friday, July 19, 2013

Holy Heatwave, Batman!

It has been a scorcher here in NJ this past week. Temps in the upper 90's with heat indexes of 105+ mean lots of time in the air conditioned house or cooling off at the pool.

Thankfully, my mother lives in a development with a pool and we are allowed there everyday after of course, that's where we have been!

~ I owe you a post on the Rugged Maniac, which we did last Sunday! I have lots of photos to share with was so much fun! ~





While hanging by the pool and splashing around cools you off, it still zaps your energy levels. As a result, I haven't really been working out much this week. My focus has been on staying hydrated and the heat killing my energy has made me catch up on sleep!

I'm really looking forward to a break in this craziness, especially since Mike is on vacation this week. I'd like to be able to go to the beach or walk around an amusement park without melting.

If you're experiencing this heatwave, how have you been keeping cool?

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