Thursday, March 14, 2013

Happy Pi Day {Mini Workout}

Today's workout had me living the Life of Pi.... no no no....I wasn't stuck on a boat with a tiger name Richard Parker ...I just had to do things with the number 3.14 in mind.

I started off my morning with a 3.14 run on the trail. It was not a pretty run and my head was seriously not present at all. I was pissed off at myself IMG_5202[1]after being so close to beating my PR just a few days ago, but then I switched my mind set and gave myself credit for showing up and getting it done. Good job, Nikki!

After my run, I hit the trainer for a double Pi ride and it felt great. After pushing myself for 25 mile rides last week, 6.28 feels like a walk in the park.

I haven't pushed myself this hard in a long time and it feels great! I actually like taking an active recovery day instead of a full rest day. It teaches me that I don't have to go hard all the time, and that it's nice to just slow down and enjoy the journey sometimes.

To finish off today's Pi celebration, I didn't have a slice of pie... instead I did this circuit workout and worked up a great sweat.

[caption id="attachment_2784" align="aligncenter" width="376"]A big Thank You to the Billboard Hot 100 on Spotify for keeping my pace high! 
A big Thank You to the Billboard Hot 100 on Spotify for keeping my pace high!

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