Thursday, January 10, 2013

{Product Review} Palmolive Fresh Fusions

Palmolive Fresh Fusions

I recently joined a site called Influenster, which allows you to give opinions of products and experiences. It creates links between brands and members to reward participation and also helps to influence future products that manufactures may be looking to release.

As a member, I was recently selected to participate in a product review. I couldn't wait to open my box of Palmolive Fresh Infusions when it arrived. Right away, I was very pleased to see the pretty bottle design! I normally transfer my dish washing liquids to a decorative bottle which I leave on the sink, but I now get to skip that step! I was also VERY pleased to see a Lime Basil scent option, as it is a favorite scent combo of mine.

Luckily (only in this case...normally this is not a lucky thing) I had a sink full of dishes that needed to be washed, so I picked a scent and went to work.

The first scent I used was the Ginger White Tea. It had a light scent that I really enjoyed and it did a terrific job of cleaning the dishes, that had been sitting in the sink for quite some time. (Don't judge me! Sometimes you have to leave the dishes in the sink so you can get your workout done or fit that run in.) Like with other Palmolive products I've used, a little went a long way and everything was left squeaky clean!

Later in the day I had a few stray glasses to wash, so I tried the Lemon Thyme, and it worked just as well. My hands were left soft when I was done and the citrus smell was a nice pick me up, as well.

As for the Lime Basil, I haven't tried it yet, but I plan on using it on tonight's dinner dishes. I will however admit, that I have popped the cap opened quite a few times to inhale the wonderful scent!

Overall I think Palmolive has hit a home-run with this new line of dish washing liquids. I love that they created a sleeker bottle and bath & body style scents, while keeping the grease cutting power and hand softening qualities that many people have always loved.

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*I did not receive any monetary compensation for this blog post. I received the three bottles of product as shown, along with some coupons. I did not have to write a blog post about the product, I just simply liked it and felt like sharing. All opinions are strictly mine.*


  1. Since you enjoyed them so much maybe you'll come do my dishes? ;)

  2. Hahaha...or I can share a coupon with you and you can do your own ;)
