Sunday, December 30, 2012

Working On Goals For 2013

2013resIt's that time of year where you begin to reflect on the past 12 months and start deciding what direction you would like the next 12 to go in.

For me, the focus has been on a few areas, but I've put a lot of thought into doing more "fun races".

I did my first "fun run" this past September and I loved it. The Color Run was so much fun and I had never participated in anything like it before...especially due to my phobia of group fitness activity.

As I perused my 5k options on and, I discovered many different types of "fun runs" and quickly started making a list of ones I'd like to do in 2013!

So far, my goal is to do the Glow Run, Foam Fest and The Color Run.

I, being the Pinaholic I am, have already started collecting ideas for my run attire, for the Glow Run...

I LOVE this idea for the Glow Run! 
I LOVE this idea for the Glow Run!

I also like that I now have goals to train for. I tend to need something to focus on in order to keep on track. I know that I will need to make a solid run schedule as well as a lifting schedule for myself. Somewhere in that mix, I'd like to at least do month 1 of Insanity again, because I know how well it builds up my cardio endurance.

2013 has the potential to be amazing. A year for me to finally break out of my shell and start being a social fit person. I survived a group workout with Tony Horton in 2011 and Bikram Yoga classes in 2012. I even attended a BlogHer party by myself during the summer. Maybe there is hope for me yet!

Do you have any fitness goals for 2013? How about any "fun races" that you may have done in the past?

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