Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Post Sandy: Helping A Friend To Rebuild

As many people know, the East Coast was pounded by Super-storm Sandy a week ago. She devastated communities along the Jersey Shore, Staten Island, Queens and Long Island. She left millions without power or heat and created a gas shortage that sparked an odd/even gas rationing here in New Jersey.
After being hit hard only a year ago by Irene, my family was thankfully spared any true damage from Sandy.

Unfortunately, a friend of mine from High School was not. Jen, who was set to run the NYC Marathon last Sunday, and Pedro who served our country in Iraq, lived in the Oakwood Beach area on Staten Island, with their two young children, before Sandy washed her house off its foundation, and into a marsh about 1/2 mile away. When I heard the news and watched THIS video, my heart sank for them. *Their story starts at the 2:10 mark*

As you can see, they lost everything and need to start from scratch. If you are looking to donate to those who were hit hardest by Sandy, please consider donating to them. Another friend of theirs set up a link for monetary donations HERE which will help them to get back on their feet during this rough time.

If you are not comfortable sending money, which I know some people are not, one of Jen's blogger friends over at A Healthy, Happier Bear, set up a Target gift registry for all the essentials that they will need for their new rental home, once they find one. To view her blog post and donate, please CLICK HERE

A special thank you to everyone I know who has already donated to them, either monetarily or by dropping clothing off here for them. I know that many people were impacted by Sandy, but I had to share the story of someone who I know personally. I urge everyone to help out in anyway they can. Volunteer time to communities to help with clean up, donate clothes, cleaning supplies, whatever is needed.

Please feel free to link to this blog, RT, share, whatever it takes to get the word out and help a family in need.

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