Friday, November 9, 2012

{Fitness Friday} Let's Talk Apps

This week I have been focused on getting back into my fitness routines. Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy brought the hubs and I to a halt last week, when she slammed into the East Coast leaving us without power or heat for almost a week.

Monday I restarted the third week of Phase 3 for P90X. I use the official P90X app to track my progress (I forgot to take a screen capture of it and to be honest, I'm being lazy and don't feel like doing it now to insert in this blog. Yeah, I know, I'm a slacker...get over it!)

I also decided that I wanted to give running a shot again, so I downloaded a Couch to 5K type of app, laced up my running shoes and hit the pavement. I have always struggled with pacing myself and endurance, so following an app seemed like the most logical step for me, and I really like it.


5K Runner: 0 to 5K run training. I love that I can use it with RunKeeper and it prompts you over whatever music you're listening to as to when to run/walk. Well worth the $2.99[/caption]I addition to the this app, I use RunKeeper which I LOVE. I enjoy being able to set goals (which I honestly end up forgetting about and not hitting, but I'm work on that, ok people! Don't judge me.) I like that I can post my runs to social media, look back at all of the ones I've completed and link up with people I know on my "street team".

RunKeeper - If you walk/run/bike, etc, I highly recommend this app! It also has a coaching feature which I haven't tried.[/caption]Another app I started using this week is Daily Yoga. I heard about it yesterday from the lovely Jac. She started using it and just happened to tweet about how much she liked it, just as I was logging on to ask for yoga DVD recommendations. Talk about timing, right?!


Daily Yoga - I have to be honest, the accent of the person instructing you makes me giggle. I have only done one routine so far, but I like this app. There also seems to be a routine difference between the iPhone and Android platforms. Droid users seem to have more FREE routines. Sigh.[/caption]Last but not least comes MyFitnessPal. I have blogged about my using this app before, but consistent, I am not. (Human I am, which is why I am not consistent.) I started using this again today, because of the success I have had in the past. Also, thanks to Hurricane/Superstorm Sandy and the lack of power, eating healthy became a slight issue and I am trying to correct the small cravings I have since developed thanks to Pop-Tarts entering my house again. (Hey, there are just so many non-perishable food items to choose from, especially when people are attacking the shelves like the world is going to end. Which it clearly wasn't, the Mayan's said we until late December for that...duh!)

MyFitnessPal: Because if you dont track what you eat, your ass will![/caption]So there you have it. A glimpse into the apps I use, to try and keep my fitness-ADD-having-self on track and motivated! I'd love to hear of any apps you use to stay on track and record your progress. Be sure to let me know if I'm missing out on something by commenting!

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  1. I like - MapMyRun, JETFIT, BodyFitness, My Fit, Fitness Buddy, ProteinLite, BodyBuilding <--- web is better, NikeRunning+

  2. Cool! I'll have to look into those. Do you use the shoe thingy with the Nike+? (Yes, thingy is a technical term)

  3. [...] too long ago, I did a Fitness Friday post featuring different fitness apps (which you can find here….hint hint) that I had grown to rely on during my fitness journey, as well as some new ones I had just [...]
