Friday, September 7, 2012

{Fitness Friday}

Hello everyone! I decided to try and start a little something new with a weekly, Fitness Friday check-in. I'll tell you what I've done to make myself healthier during the week, and you can tell me what you have done either in the comments, or if you blog, do your own Fitness Friday post and leave me a link below. (I'm not sure how these link-up things work so please feel free to school me if you have experience with them.)

Let's see....

I'm just finishing up week 3 of P90X, which means that next week is my rest week. Phase 1 seems to have flown by and I'm looking forward to the change in workouts that Phase 2 brings.

In addition to P90X, I've also been doing the Plank Challenge. If you don't know what that is, CLICK HERE. I've been doing the challenge for almost 2 weeks now, and I've added 1:38 to my time! I can feel the strength in my shoulders and core improving each day!


This was today's plank time. I found that if I do it as soon as I wake up, my mind doesn't realize what I'm asking of my body to do. Also, coffee is a great reward![/caption]Tomorrow, the hubs and I will doing the Walk With Joe, which is another 5k. This one is in memory of those who lost their lives on September 11, 2001 on Flight 93, including Joe Driscoll who the walk in named after. I've done this walk almost every year and while it is quite somber in the beginning, the views in the park where it is held are gorgeous and we end up having a good time as we walk and run through the hills and woods there.

As for nutrition, I am proud to say that I have been REALLY good here. I've been testing new recipes and trying to utilize my slow cooker more. The more organized I am, the lower the chance of me being tired and just saying "fuck it" and ordering a pizza. (Oh, how I love my pizza! Nom Nom Nom!) I normally cheat here and there at work with all of the chocolate temptation that is everywhere I turn, but I have not since starting this round of P90X. Don't get me wrong, I've had a few tastes of the yogurt flavors we carry, but nothing crazy...I promise!

Now it's YOUR turn! I want to know what you've been doing to improve your health and get into shape! Leave me a comment below, write a Fitness Blog and link back here or leave me a link in the comments, tweet at me....whatever! Speak up...enjoy a little time in the spot light and let's cheer each other on!

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1 comment:

  1. [...] I should be more accountable of my fitness goals here. Maybe I’ll join Nikki in posting a Fitness Friday entry even if this was a bad week. Fortunately, I’ve simply maintained my weight loss from [...]
