Monday, July 9, 2012

T-Shirt Recycling

As many of you know, I am a true t-shirt whore. I love them and have collected many throughout the years. Since losing all of the weight I have, many of those t-shirts have ended up in bags and gone to Goodwill. There are others that I have not been able to part with or have recently gotten too big on me and I have finally found a way to still wear them and not look like a complete and total bum.

I'm sure many of you are familiar with a Pinterest, you know, that website full of neat stuff that sucks you in and eats up all of the precious time that you could have been productive in? I have been guilty of pinning many crafty things and then forgetting about them, however yesterday, I found a pin that really intrigued me and before I knew it, I was going through my dresser drawers, grabbing a pair of scissors and dusting off the sewing machine.

The pin I am referring to is a tutorial on T-Shirt Restyling or Recycling and can be found HERE. That blog also links to where she found the idea so if you decide to give this a try, be sure to visit both sites to see all of the photos!

I ended up doing two t-shirts last night and I LOVE the way they turned out. Of course I got all caught up in making them and forgot to take step-by-step photos to go with this post, but both of the blogs I mentioned above did.

There are so many possibilities for these! I used a fun cord from a pair of old sweatpants on the Star Wars t-shirt, instead of the original collar as the tutorial suggests because I wanted a looser fit to that one. I'd actually love to do the top in orange on both of these and I'm almost positive I have an old orange t-shirt somewhere I can cut up and use just for that purpose. I also didn't worry about swapping out thread colors. I just went with plain old white on both of these and I think they look just fine. (I also stuck with white because I forgot how to change the bobbin on my machine...sssshhhh!)

I'm so glad I found this and decided to actually try it instead of just pinning it and moving on. Buying new clothes over the past 3 years has gotten very expensive, so now I have a fun new way to wear my old clothes while saving a little money!

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  1. Sooo cute! I've thought about this before - but I'm not really a tshirt wearer so figured i'd spend my time doing something else, or nothing. haha.

    And tsk, tsk on forgetting how to change the bobbin - let me know if you need a how-to ;)

  2. LOL....Thanks!

    This is me letting you know I need a how-to. lol. I used to be a pro at it because of all the quilting I did. Apparently working a sewing machine is NOT like a riding a least for me it isn't.

  3. Nice. As a guy... it is tough to say that I wish I knew how to sew but I do. There are times that I wish I could alter my own clothes. My mom taught me how to sew buttons and make simple repairs but never on a sewing machine. It is becoming a lost art. Great job!

  4. I hear Stacey and Clinton from "What Not to Wear" in the back of my head, because they have rescued a lot of people from their old clothes that they never should have had in the first place. I'm sure you will make them look great! Also, bonus points for the Star Wars '77 t-shirt in general.

  5. Thanks! I think it's great that you know how to sew. My neighbor taught me how to use the machine for quilting.

  6. LOL....Stacey and Clinton would cringe at my wardrobe. I did these to use in the yard and for just hanging out. I think they are fun :)
