Sunday, April 8, 2012

Tomorrow's The Big Day / What I Wore {Easter Sunday}

Yup! You read it correctly...tomorrow is the big day. In less than 12 hours I will be taking a major step in my weight loss journey and I'll be having my tummy tuck with muscle repair.

The past week has been a whirl wind and with things being so hectic up at work, I didn't really have much time to think about the procedure. I did manage to find time to make a list of things I needed from Target and pick them up, but outside of making sure I was taking my supplements as directed, that's it.

Since we are on the subject of supplements....let me vent about what I pain in the ass they are! I feel like a junkie popping pills all day. It's not fun and I'll be happy when I'm 7-14 days post surgery, so I can stop taking them. 

At this current moment, I keep flip flopping between excitement, nervousness and full blown anxiety. I'm thankful that today was Easter. I had plenty of things going on to keep my mind busy, so I didn't dwell on it all day. It wasn't until around 6pm when people started texting me to wish me luck tomorrow, that I started to enter panic mode.

Speaking of Easter, I decided to be girly and wear not only a dress but also my 5" platform sandals. For those of you know me, you know how tall I am in 5" platforms (as well as how ungraceful I am in them) but I wanted to step out of the box and finally wear these shoes. I bought them a year ago in two different colors because I loved them. I swore I would wear them but they never saw the light of day before today.

Coral Dress: Old Navy, last year. Teal Animal Stripe Sweater: Charlotte Russe, last year. Sandals: Charlotte Russe, last year. Necklace: Premiere Designs about 2 years ago. 

It felt nice to get dressed up instead of just tossing on a pair of jeans and a shirt. I won't lie, I took a pair of flip flops with me in my purse and wore them for the drive home. My feet can only take so much...they are used to my beloved Converse after all! Plus I'll be living in sweats and I won't have a need for shoes over the next 1-2 weeks.

I'm hoping sleep will find me tonight and the anxiety will subside. (Plus I can't eat after midnight or I'll turn into a Gremlin.) I have to be at the surgeons office tomorrow morning at 7:30 am, so I think I'll be waking up around 6 am so I can shower, get into some comfy clothes and try not to be too cranky without coffee or breakfast. Sigh.

Thanks again to everyone who has supported me in my decision to do this, has been there to ease my anxiety and has kept me motivated along the way. You all mean a lot to me and I'm happy to have you in my life.

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P.S. - I was hoping to have some pics of where I'll be staying during the first few days of recovery, but we never got around to setting it up this weekend. Thankfully my husband is going to take care of all that while I'm in surgery tomorrow. I didn't want him just sitting around waiting for 4-5 hours anyway, so now he'll have something to keep his mind busy for a little while.


  1. Sorry I'm late with my comments. We were on the road! I hope all went well yesterday, and you are as comfortable as possible. Remember that recovery is part of the equation of good health! Enjoy it while you can!

  2. P.S. Watch out for those DVD workout infomercials. They can be very convincing. ;-)
