Friday, December 30, 2011

So Long 2011!

I have never been so happy to say goodbye to a year as I am to say goodbye to 2011.

This past year has been a downward spiral for me.

I started off really strong with Round 3 of P90X, meeting Tony Horton and plans of studying to become a personal trainer. I am ending this year with sporadic workouts that I can count on one hand over the past 60 days, no personal trainer certification and a feeling of failure.

I'm not sure what happened, where I went wrong or what caused me to derail in the manner I did. All I know is that I have the power to correct it. I just have to get my head cleared and focused.

I am heading into 2012 with hope and determination. I am hopeful that I will find my passion for fitness again and I'm determined to get myself back on track.

My plan as of right now, is to do a Shakeology 3 Day Cleanse (which sucks and I'm gonna blog each horrid day of it) starting January 2 and then settle into a 3 day a week workout routine. I don't want to jump in a commit to a 90 Day program right away. I need to ease back into the disciplined mindset and take baby steps like I did when I first began this journey.

So, farewell sucked and I won't miss you at all. There were very few good moments to you and you will not be missed.

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  1. A new year is an opportunity for a new beginning. I'm sure you will be able to get back on track and reach all of your goals in 2012. :)

  2. I know what you mean! I hung in there with "Bring It!" and P90X workouts, but all year in other areas of my life I felt like I was late for everything, not actively participating, or not really accomplishing anything. Here's a wish for 2012 to be a year that is not about maintaining (or falling back), but about making progress and improving!

    I wish you the best for the coming year. We started 2011 together with Tony, although we didn't know we were in the same room. Maybe the year wasn't all bad. :-)

  3. LOL...I keep forgetting we were both at that workout with Mr. Horton! Here's to moving forward and making all aspects of our life.
