Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Mi Vida Loca

As the few of you who read this blog may have noticed, a) I've been a slacker with my posts. b) There is a recurring theme going on here lately: My fight for motivation.

My life has taken a turn for the crazy. I've had the opportunity to take on  more hours at work, which in turn has left me tired and fighting for the strength to get my workouts done.

At first I was scared and panicking about this, but then I realized that this is a winning situation (no...I am not quoting Mr. Sheen, here). It is winning because I AM fighting to get them done. I could easily just make up excuse after excuse...I had a long day at work, I have to do homework with the kids, the laundry is piling up, I have to grocery shopping to do....but I haven't. I find the time, even if it means a midnight madness session.

I may get overwhelmed at times and I may not be doing the 1 hour a day workouts anymore, (let alone the two a days I used to pull...ahh...the good ol' days.) but I'm still moving, burning and building and THAT is what counts.

The closer I get to my goals, the more the lifestyle workouts have to set in and form. It is not always possible to do long sessions, but as long as positive mentally is in place, proper nutrition becomes second nature and I find time for a quick cardio/strength circuits - I will never lose the progress I have gained.

Keep moving forward and stay positive, no matter how crazy things get.

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1 comment:

  1. I know what you mean! Over the weekend, I sat down and mapped out my weekday schedule, at least as much as possible, because it's a constant struggle between sleep vs. workout vs. getting to work on time. Right now, I can do one hour of exercise in the morning, and that's it. That's pretty tight when it comes to something like P90X. Also, it should be enough time, if the intensity is where it should be. I have heard from a lot of experts that you shouldn't need hours of cardio to get the job done, unless of course you have the time and desire to do it.

    Keep doing what you can, and tell Jillian I said hi. ;-)
