Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I'm Squatastic!

Day 5. P90X. Legs & Back.

Today was a rough one.

Last night I worked out live with Tony Horton and then today I spent the whole day walking around NYC with a friend.

While sitting in traffic on the way home, I calculated that we walked roughly 100 blocks while chatting, window shopping and being tourists.

With my legs already sore and tight I stretched out my hamstrings, pressed play and got the show on the road!

Tonight was also my first workout with my new pull-up bar. I have never used one in my other rounds since we couldn't find a bar that fit the doorways near our workout space properly. Today, we hit the jackpot as my husband decided to pick one up he saw in the store. After a little adjusting he got it to work and I became the guinea pig to test this thing out and make sure it really worked.
Luck me!

I had to use a chair and put an area rug under it to prevent it from sliding, but otherwise it worked great and I loved it. I have plenty of room for improvement in the pull-up department so I welcome the challenge.

Wall squats, sneaky lunges,
iso toe rolls and chair stance were all a challenge tonight. My quads and booty were on fire after this workout and I can feel the major squatastic soreness setting in as I type. I also feel it in my shoulders and back from all of the pull-ups.

I am honestly glad that my rest day is almost here. I am looking forward to doing X Stretch and just taking it easy for a day. Tomorrow however, I'll have to conquer KenpoX (which is my favorite workout) if I want to earn that rest.

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  1. [...] This post was mentioned on Twitter by Nicole Hynes. Nicole Hynes said: Last nights Daily #P90X Blog Post: I'm Squatastic! [...]

  2. I cant even do a pull up .. u lots of brownie points for you.... On your first round was you able to do a pull up? .. right now im using bands and they good for now but im hoping by the end of the 60 days im able to do a few.

  3. I used the band for my first 2 rounds. I have odd doorways in my house and had a rough time finding a bar to fit. I still have to use a chair when doing pull-ups but I am hoping to not need one for long :)
