Round 3. Day 3. P90X.
Shoulders and Arms.
Time to work the glamour muscles, baby!
This is hands down my favorite resistance workout in the P90X program. I love the shoulder and bicep definition I get and I think shoulders can be very sexy, so I tend to focus on mine quite a bit.
I was very sore going into today's workout and to be honest, I almost skipped it since I'm off from work tomorrow. I figured I would just pull a double and go to bed early. Then I remembered I am going to MEET Tony Horton tomorrow and workout with him, (squeeeeeeeee!) so a TRIPLE wouldn't be a good idea.
At 8:30pm, I dragged my sorry self downstairs to the living room and pushed play. I am so flipping happy I did, too! As soon as I started warming-up, my soreness started to disappear and I felt good. Jumping jax and arm circles were a little rough due to the chest soreness but it quickly worked itself out and I was able to get to it.
Here's a break down of the moves you do. It works Shoulders/Biceps/Triceps and repeats for each round.
Round 1:
- Alternating Shoulder Presses.
- In & Out Bicep Curls.
- Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks
- Deep Swimmer’s Presses
- Full Supination Concentration Curls
- Chair Dips
- Upright Rows
- Static Arm Curls
- Flip-Grip Twist Kickbacks
- Two Angle Shoulder Flys
- Crouching Cohen Curls
- Lying Down Tricep Extensions (*Tip of the Day - don't smash your face.)
- In & Out Straight Arm Flys
- Congdon Curls
- Side Tri-Rises (*Do more of 26 of these and Tony is coming to your house!)
I'm actually looking forward to Yoga X tomorrow. I normally HATE doing it and would prefer to poke my eyeball out with a chopstick than do 90 minutes of this torture Tony calls yoga. However, I actually think my muscles will appreciate and it will be a good thing to do before going to the group workout tomorrow.
Round 1.
- Alternating Shoulder Presses.
- In & Out Bicep Curls.
- Two Arm Tricep Kickbacks.
Round 2.
- Deep Swimmer’s Presses.
- Full Supination Concentration Curls.
- Chair Dips.
Round 3.
- Upright Rows.
- Static Arm Curls.
- Flip-Grip Twist Kickbacks.
Round 4.
- Two Angle Shoulder Flys.
- Crouching Cohen Curls.
- Lying Down Tricep Extensions.
Bonus Round
- In & Out Straight Arm Flys.
- Congdon Curls.
- Side Tri-Rises.
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