Monday, June 10, 2013

Obsessed With Nautical

I am a jeans and t-shirt type of girl. I am known for my love of hoodies and my hatred of heels. My idea of accessorizing, is grabbing an elastic band for my hair that matches what I am wearing.

This summer, I have decided that I need to put a little more effort into my clothing. I need purchase actual outfits, as well as a few dresses and non flip-flops for my feet.

You can quit laughing now.

No really. Stop it.

As you know, I spend a lot of time on Pinterest, so I began pinning outfits I liked and I even picked up a few things for my birthday and over the passing weeks. Do you know what I keep gravitating too? Nautical style prints.

Nautical Summer

Honestly, I'm obsessed with it.

If it's blue, red or yellow, my eye goes straight towards it. Add stripes to that color palette and I instantly run to it. I don't know what it is. I just can't help myself. Even when it comes to accessories, if I see a sailors knot, I want it.

Quick! Someone stage an intervention!

Which summer fashion trend are you gravitating to this year?

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