Friday, May 10, 2013

Leaving My Comfort Zone

Comfort zone

After I shared my #FitBlogNYC news and shear giddiness, things got more exciting!

Remember I said I hoped FITNESS magazine would give us more info about the event during this next week? Well... they did!

We all received an e-mail yesterday afternoon providing information on the workouts that would be offered during the event.  We had to choose one of the following three, cardio, yoga or a power run. All three of these are being brought to us by amazing sponsors, and they all sounded great. However, I immediately felt really stressed and out of my comfort zone. My thought process went a little like this:
  • CARDIO  - I have zero rhythm and will end up stepping on someone. Save that train wreck for your own living-room.
  • YOGA (?) - Possibly, however you've done yoga in a class setting before. Try something new!
  • POWER RUN (!) - Initial excitement, followed by self doubt.
Those of you who know me and follow this blog, know that I don't do group fitness activities. My first ever group fitness event was when I met Tony Horton at his book signing, and I at least had my husband and good friend with me. Outside of that, I've done three Bikram Yoga classes (I hid in the back during all of them) and some 5k's, which I dont' mind at all.

I ended up reserving a spot for the Power Run and I am extremely nervous about it. I fear that I won't be able to keep up with everyone. I fear that I'll gas out halfway through the workout. I fear that my fears are going to make me fail. This is not a good mentality to have. I need to learn how to have confidence in these things. I can't compare myself to others. I need to give myself credit for trying, do my best and know that I'll get better with time and training. I need to lose the self doubt, because I have come so far in the past four years. It's time for me to quit trying to be a perfectionist and just have fun!

I clearly still struggle with the mental aspect of fitness, but I suppose that makes me human.

My next bit of good news also came via e-mail!

I received an invite from Physique 57 to try a barre class after #FitBlogNYC!

Once again, group workout anxiety kicked in, but it's not everyday that these opportunities present themselves, so I responded that I'll be there.

I'm sure I won't be the only person trying this class for the first time, so there is a little comfort in that. I believe that trying new things makes you grow as a person. Plus you never know if you'll like something unless you try it, right?

So... Here's to trying new things, leaving my comfort zone and learning how to relax and just have fun! Wish me luck!

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  1. you are so great and always up for a challenge. Get out of your comfort zone and go for it. Its a great opportunity to try something different. You have been my inspiration so don't quit on me now. Have a great time next week and when I come back from vacation I want to hear all about it :)

  2. This is a great opportunity for you! Part of my enthusiasm for home fitness came from my early lack of success at the gym. I would not have considered a group class back then! Like you, I was nervous about attending the same group event with Tony Horton, where you and I never met (until later, online). I didn't think I could be in a room with all the REALLY fit people! I am still more of a homebody when it comes to fitness, but I will certainly attend more of these events. Have a great time!

  3. Thanks Fred!

    I keep saying I'm going attend more classes and group activities but I never do. I'm a happy, lone-fitness person. This is actually a very social week in fitness for me...two group classes on Thursday and the Color Me Rad 5K on Sunday! Yikes! lol
