Monday, April 29, 2013

Playing Catch Up

I had all intentions of posting blogs daily last week. Hell, I even had topics to post about, but life had other plans for my time.

Oh well.

After last weeks celebration of finally hitting 200 miles for 2013, I dropped off a bit. I've had an awful ache in my neck that just won't let up and I have been busy with stuff around the house. I've also still been playing nurse-maid to the puppy, who thought it would be a great idea to eat half of a tennis ball. Thankfully he is doing better now, I just hope my wallet heals from that vet visit soon. Sigh.

I miss getting out and clearing my head while running. Hopefully tomorrow I'll steal some time to log a few more miles. Oh...and hopefully I make it to the mall to get some more of this...

Designer Whey Protein To Go 
Designer Whey Protein To Go - Lemonade

I received this sample in the mail a while ago and I kept forgetting about it. I brought it out with me the other day during my run and finally gave it a shot. To my surprise, it was pretty tasty. I think I was nervous about trying it because I have a picky palette when it comes to protein drinks. There was a slight after taste to it, but nothing awful. I actually finished the whole bottle and decided that I would like to pick up some of the Orange flavor to see how I like that.

Last week, I also got an e-mail from Fitness magazine saying that I was invited to their Fitness Blogger Meet and Tweet event AKA #FitBlogNYC this year!! I'm truly excited about this opportunity and I can't wait to go. I've already met some great people via the event hashtag on Twitter, and I look forward to meeting them as well as seeing MomsGottaRun.

(Someone remind me of this excitement when it's 4:30am and my alarm is going off because I have to get ready to catch a bus into NYC. Okay, thanks.)

Photo Credit:

This week I plan on hitting the weights again and getting my eating under control as well. Every now and then I forget to adjust my caloric intake when my workouts drop down and that's not a good thing. I've been sort of spacey about my nutrition since getting sick. I also thought that being home would make keeping up with eating properly easier, but I was wrong. It's all just time management and I haven't been very good at that since losing my job a few months ago. It's time to get my shit together and start functioning the way I am supposed to.

Speaking of functioning the way I used to... I think I felt a small spark of excitement over design today. I was asked by my good friend Beth, from With Glitter In Her Veins, to help her design some stuff for a new business she starting up. She needed a logo, Facebook Cover photo and stuff like that, so this morning I started messing around with it as I enjoyed my morning cup of sanity. To my surprise, inspiration came to me quickly, I e-mailed my design to her and she loved it! It felt good to have the creative juices flowing again, so I decided to make a new logo for myself and try my hand at designing invitations again. I'm not sure if I'll get a nice bonfire going with this spark, but I might as well give it a shot again and see where it goes.

How was your week? What is everyone up to with their fitness these days?

blog sig

1 comment:

  1. That blogger event sounds awesome!!!! Yay for getting to go!!!!
