Saturday, February 16, 2013

Expecto Patronum! You Can Be Fit & Nerdy!

In keeping with the theme of my Wordless Wednesday post this week, I offer you the Harry Potter Workout!

What better way to get yourself and your kids moving?!


Drop the popcorn and quit sitting on the couch, like a spud, watching these movies the 100th time, make it interesting and fun!

How it works: Each time one the items listed on the left is seen in the film, you and your kids perform the task listed on the right that goes with it. You can pause the movie or keep watching, that's totally up to you and Potterhead level of fandom. Pretty simple, right?

Harry Potter Workout

I think "games" like this are a great way to get your kids moving, and make a movie a hands-on experience. Not a Harry Potter fan?'re probably not human. No really..... just make up your own cues and moves for your favorite movie and share them with me here or over on my Facebook page!

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1 comment:

  1. This reminds me of a tip I heard on the Get Fit Guy podcast by Ben Greenfield (link below). I will admit that I haven't tried it myself yet, but I have logged quite a few miles on a treadmill while watching TV shows, including (of course!) The Biggest Loser.
