Thursday, January 17, 2013

Healthy Apps - Part 2

Not too long ago, I did a Fitness Friday post featuring different fitness apps (which you can find here....hint hint) that I had grown to rely on during my fitness journey, as well as some new ones I had just downloaded and decided to try out.

A few of those new apps I have since deleted, while a few others, like Nexercise, have made the cut and I'm now quite fond of. Despite the fact you have to have your phone on you ever when lifting weights to get full credit for the workout....I find that part a bit lame.

Anyway...I'm sure the fact that I was on Pinterest and stumbled upon an interesting infographic will not surprise any of you. So try to contain your laughter and eye rolling and check it out:

Healthy Apps infographic

Do you use any of these? If so, which are your favorites? I know I'm going to download the Smoothie Selector app to see what it's all about! I'm also curious as to what these sleep apps are.

1 comment:

  1. MyFitnessPal is a really good one that counts both exercise and calories, plus it syncs up to your fitbit information so it counts your calories burned from that!
