Saturday, September 22, 2012

{ Fitness Friday }

Yeah, yeah, yeah....I know. It's Saturday. This week has been a hectic one for me so this post is a day late. Sue me.

This week I conquered the new Phase 2 workouts, CST (Chest, Shoulders & Triceps) as well as, Back & Biceps. My arms have felt sore as hell all week from them, especially my triceps since Tony neglects to stretch the triceps BEFORE you begin the workout! I forgot all about that since it's been a while since I've done P90X, but a mental note has been made and I'll be sure to stretch them before I start the workout on Monday. Back & Biceps had me feeling a little weak. I don't know if it is because my arms were already fatigued from work on Wednesday, if my biceps really are not as strong as I thought they were or a combination of both, but I felt defeated at the end when I couldn't finish the last move, which I believe were called Strip-Set Curls.

Overall, this week felt pretty good and I know I have to really "bring it" this month so I can see more results. This week was just kinda shaky as I started it off not feeling well due to a slight cold and I was mentally not stoked to workout each night. Thankfully I have been doing this round with the hubs so we keep each other going.

Those of you who follow me on Twitter & Instagram might have noticed I haven't been doing my plank challenge, and I didn't reach my goal. Well, I started to feel like I tweaked my left shoulder and the scar from my surgery (which is still healing) started turning a very angry purple color, so I decided to back off and give my body a break. The P90X workouts I'm doing are hard enough on my still healing body, especially since my rest week workouts focused on my core. I've been doing shorter planks in the workouts, just not pushing to the point of injury!

As for nutrition, I messed up yesterday and forgot to eat lunch because I was busy trying to finish things at work. I should know better than to do this, but it happens. I ended up with an awful headache (which sucked) but I managed to live and get my workout done with it. The rest of the week was pretty good and I did have a "cheat day" last weekend. We went out for dinner and drinks with some friends. I had a burger, fries and a few beers and I enjoyed every bite of it! NomNomNom!

This weeks goals are to plan our dinners and prep them all in advanced to make my life easier. I planned everything out two weeks ago and had all of the ingredients on hand and it really helped. I want to take it a step further and have everything prepped and in bags, already measured out and labeled. I always do better when I'm organized and I'm at the point where nutrition trumps workouts, so this could really benefit me and help me reach my goals quicker.

I'd also like to find the time to run. I haven't ran since the Walk With Joe 5K, two weeks ago. The weather has been perfect for running, but between me not being a morning workout person, work and it getting darker earlier, I've failed to do it. I know, that is a lot of excuses, but it's all true.

As always, I welcome those of you who take the time to read my posts to share your week in fitness and your upcoming goals with me. I'd really love to hear what you have going on too!

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  1. Hi Nikki! My favorite kick-butt workouts: Butt Bible series at home and lots of zumba, Philly style! I'm 12 lbs lighter than I was pre-baby and now doing some fitness modeling. Dieting has been the key for me. Not dieting in a depriving sense, but in a cutting out the crap sense. Sounds like you are doing a great job! Looking forward to sharing our fit journeys! Heather

  2. Hi Heather! Nice to meet you :) I have never heard of Butt Bible and will have to look it up to see what's all about. Congrats on being 12lbs lighter than pre-baby and the fitness modeling...that sounds really cool. I agree that the magic happens in the kitchen at this point. I look forward to hearing more about your fitness journey, too!
