Friday, September 14, 2012

{ Fitness Friday }

Wow...another week has come and gone! Is it just me or has this year just flown by?

Last week not a single one of you shared or linked your fitness triumphs, goals or successes with me....which means you all SUCK! It's ok...I'll just continue to post for my own benefit, after all, who doesn't like screaming out of an open window hoping that someone hears them?! ....sigh....

Sunday will be the official finale of P90X - Phase1 for myself and the hubs. This week has been a rest week, although I wouldn't really say there is anything relaxing about YogaX and Core Synergistics.  Between the prior three weeks, two 5K's and the Plank Challenge I've been taking part in, my body feels like it was hit by a truck and yesterday's Xstretch workout, was pure bliss. Speaking of the Plank Challenge, I am almost to my goal of 5 minutes!! It's getting REALLY hard to hold the position with proper form, but I'm fighting for it. I'm not sure if I will be doing today, as I am sore as hell AND I have Core Syn on deck tonight.

It's been quite some time since I've completed Phase 2 of P90X. I'm honestly looking forward to it and can't wait to lift heavier weights and continue working on my form. I can see a change in my body from just the first 30 days (I'll be doing my measurements and what not on Monday) and I now the magic really starts to happen in month 2! So in the words on Tony Horton, I say BRING IT!

I've been pretty good on the nutrition front as well. After Saturday's 5K, the hubs and I did go to a sports bar for lunch and I did splurge on some fried pickles. I never had them before and they had half-price apps, so who was I to say NO, right? The weirdest thing for me was not having a beer while watching football on Sunday, but I wasn't even craving one, so I skipped it! *SHRUG*

My slow cooker and I are still trying to learn to get a long with each other. I think I need a newer one with the programmable features so I can set a shut off time and just keep it warm until ready to serve. It seems some recipes call for much shorter cook times than others, however my work schedule does not. The result is meat that sometimes dries out and I don't like that. At. All.

Now it's your turn! Share with me what you have done on the fitness front this week....or what you plan on doing this weekend! Let's keep each other motivated!

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1 comment:

  1. I'm not concerned so much about weight loss anymore, since I've been maintaining for a couple of years, but last week I dropped below my "usual" low point by three pounds. I figured it was a fluke, but this week, I'm still there! I am not starving myself by any means, so I can only hope that's less fat, more muscle. I've also seen some improvements in a couple of P90X2 exercises that I could hardly do at all in round 1. Now I'm halfway through round 2, months later, but I'll take it!
