Wednesday, August 22, 2012

P90X: Day 3 Round 3.5

My favorite line this workout.

I entered Day 3 with a sore upper body and core, which I absolutely love! Nothing beats that post workout soreness. To me, it lets me know I am doing something right and that means I'll start to see some progress before I know it.

Today we worked the glamour muscles with a little Shoulders & Arms.

This is one of my favorite P90X workouts because when I'm done with it, I feel strong and I tend to see quick results in my shoulders.

The workout is broken into 3 rounds plus a bonus round for those of us who really want to Bring It! Each round works the shoulders, biceps and triceps (in that order) and repeats itself before giving you a 30 second water/ballistic stretch break.

Since I've done this program a few times, I tend to keep us laughing by reciting many of the Tony-isms that are in each DVD. From "like a Pterodactyl coming for a landing....kaaaaaa!" to his fawning over the "fabulous Dreya Weber", we toss the lines back and forth to keep the workout fun and help pass the hour.

Tomorrow is supposed to be YogaX but I'm not gonna lie....I'm not doing it. I know Tony LOVES yoga and I know how important it is, but I know my core is not ready for 90 intense minutes of it. I will most likely do a shorter yoga DVD and hopefully go for a walk/run. I guess you'll have to come back tomorrow to find out what I actually end up doing.

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1 comment:

  1. I've done P90X several rounds, with or without the DVDs. Sometimes it's nice to follow along with Tony (and anticipate the dialogue), and other times, it's good to just power through and get it done. That's what I like about his book. I can go at my own pace and not rely so much on the timing of the DVD.

    P.S. I am 100% behind your decision to skip Yoga X, as I have done it myself too often. ;-) Nah, just kidding. You're doing the right thing.
