Tuesday, September 27, 2011

The End of Month 1

The end of Insanity, month 1 has arrived and I am on day 3 of my "recovery week".  Anyone who has ever done Insanity knows why I put recovery in quotes...it's not really a recovery, it's just torture at a slower pace.

I have to say, I feel great this round. Month 1 flew by and I am noticing plenty of change in my body already. My last week of workouts was a little sketchy due to work, but I doubled up when needed and switched my rest day around to accommodate.

This week I have also incorporated some weight lifting into my routine. I love lifting and it's the one thing I miss most when doing Insanity.

Now to be honest, I am not looking forward to month 2....Max month. Those of you who have been following my blog or my tweets know that I struggled viciously with Max month during my last round of Insanity. I cried. I cursed. I threw temper tantrums. In the end, I completed it and felt like I accomplished something huge, but once again I am filled with dread and self doubt as I prepare to face it again.

Insanity is a mental game and this time I hope to be stronger than the demons in my head. Afterall, I've done this before and I survived it...I really have nothing to fear.

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  1. I'm living in week 7 of my first time through right now, and the Max workouts are kicking my butt HARD. Shin splints seems to be my #1 culprit. I've been forced to take a few days off because of having family guests staying with us, but continue on tomorrow. All I can say is that my results have been unparalleled. Keep it up Nikki, we're almost there!

  2. You're right....we're almost there and the results are worth the sweat and tears. Keep me in the loop with your progress! I look forward to hearing about your final results :)
