Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Recovery Week = Halfway Done

I did it! I survived the first month of INSANITY, and I feel amazing!

This has by far been the toughest Beachbody product for me to date. I am NOT a cardio lover, so I knew going in that this was going to be a challenge. With this program I truly have to give it my all during each workout or I would easily fail. Each workout is a mind over matter battle. My mind constantly wants me to stop, but I pull it together, regain my focus and push on.

My results for month one are not mind blowing. I have gained and lost the same 5lbs all month, so no major weight loss for me. I did lose an inch from each thigh, an inch from my hips and a half inch from my waist. The biggest improvement has been in the cardiovascular department.

The #INSANECREW and I are now in Recovery Week, but please don't be fooled by the name. Shaun T has no interest in letting you "rest" he just simply tortures you in a new way. Honestly, I really like the Core Cardio & Balance workout and that's a good thing since I have to do it all week.

Here is what it consists of:

Warm Up (6 exercises)

Switch Heel Kicks, Mummy Kicks, Football Shuffle, Over the Log, 8 High Knees/8 Power Jacks, 8 Fast Feet/8 Hooks


Main Workout (10 exercises)

Moving Ski Hops, Hit the Floor, Level 1 Drills, Heismans, 8 Switch Kicks/8Hop Squats, High Jumps, Moving Plank Walk, 8 Elbows/8 Suicide Drills, 4 & 4 Hops, 8 Jabs/Jumps

Hip Flexor Burners (Pure Evil)


Shoulder Burners & Plies (My arms were ready to fall off my the end)


This sounds like a lot but the workout is only about 37 mins if I recall correctly. The Hip Flexor and Shoulder sections are the hardest (at least for me) because your muscles truly start to burn during them.

I'm a little nervous to begin month two of INSANITY, but I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end!

Bring it! Dig Deep!

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1 comment:

  1. Wow. Well, a HUGE congratulations is in order for getting this far. Not that I ever doubted you, but part of my mind was wondering when and if your old injury would act up or whether you'd buckle under the strain. I thought P90X was a true test of one's abilities, but you've obviously found the kicker. I'm proud of you for getting this far AND still having the drive and interest to make it through thesecod half. How have your CLX workouts been compared to a month ago? Any strength increase? Looking forward to your final analysis. ;-)
