During the past week of Insanity, trying to find balance between meals and workout times has been a challenge. I've found that I have to wait at least 2 hours after a meal to begin my workout or I will puke. The problem with this, is that I've been eating every 2-2.5 hours since beginning this program, so I end up running out of energy halfway through my workout and struggle to finish.
While talking with my #insanecrew the other day my beloved coach brought up Sport Beans. I had never heard of them before so I instantly started asking questions. I found out that there is this whole group of energy aids out there that runners like ranging from Sport Beans to some stuff called GU. Apparently you take them before a hard workout and they give you the energy that you need to make it through without a big meal...SCORE!
Of course I hunted down these beans and bought a few bags in various flavors, along with some GU to test them out and see if they actually worked.
Last night was the big night...I decided to test out the Sport Beans! I flipped over the bag, read the directions and started chomping away on them 30 mins before my workout as directed. Some of the flavors were quite icky (yes, I used the word icky) while the fruit punch and berry were actually quite good. I grabbed some water since you are supposed to hydrate while using them and started my workout.
Fast forward to the halfway point were I felt the beans sitting in my chest and I was as jittery as a junkie who took too much speed! I had TONS of energy but couldn't hold a plank pose to save my life cause my arms were shaky and I felt sick from the sweetness of the beans.
Of course when my workout was over I told my #insanecrew about my experience and found out that I shouldn't have followed the package directions. It seems that eating 3-4 beans as I'm waiting for the disc to load is all I should have done.....can you say oops?! (Or should I say "Thanks for the heads up tweeps!")
Lesson of the Day: Don't eat a whole package of Sports Beans to do an INSANITY workout unless you want to be a jitter-iffic mess for the rest of the night/day.
Today I tried them again for Pure Cardio and I only popped 2 beans as I pressed play. I had plenty of energy for the workout, didn't feel hungry at the halfway mark and didn't get jittery at all. (Insert the "SCORE!" I was searching for.)
By following this modified way of using them I give them a huge thumbs up and thank my coach for telling me about them. (Even if I wanted to kill him last night for not telling me this sooner to ignore the package directions.)
For those you interested in Sport Beans here is some info or you can go to their website. I also found out that they make Extreme Sport Beans with caffeine. I guess I should be grateful I didn't chomp down a whole pack of those last night!
Sport Beans™, from the makers of Jelly Belly® beans, are specially formulated to fuel your body before, during and after exercise.
- Simply explained, Sport Beans are Jelly Beans formulated with carbohydrates, electrolytes and vitamins B and C
- Eat one packet with one to two cups of water about 30 minutes before exercising
- During a long workout, eat one packet every 45 minutes
- Eat after a workout to replenish muscles of depleted carbohydrates
wow thats something i've never heard of either but am totaly intrigued!! this would be fab for hybrid dbles. =) deffo lookin to buy some and spread the word. =) im glad you've found a solution! =D the god of workouts is smiling upon you. =P