Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Round 2 - Day 30 - The End of Phase 1

Well, another 30 days have come and gone ...shockingly fast I might add!

Phase 2 officially started yesterday as far workouts go, but calendar wise today marks day 30 - that still throws me off a bit.

As always, the start/end of a phase means it's time to take measurements and weigh-in. Of course that is the first thing I did this morning so I could get it out of the way.

I honestly thought that my numbers would be a little better since I have been trying really hard to eat clean but I'll take what I can get. It could be that I have been adding additional workouts, my body adjusting to my new eating habits or just the fact that I am getting closer to my goals. Either way a loss is a loss and I'm moving forward.

So here are the numbers for Day 30 (numbers in red are what I have lost over the 30 days):

Height - 5' 9"
Weight - 161lbs (Gained 5lbs in 1st 2wks then dropped back to starting weight)
Waist - 29" down 1"
Hips - 36.5" down .5"
Chest - 34" down 1"
Right Arm - 11" same
Left Arm - 11.5" down .5"
Right Thigh - 20" down .5"
Left Thigh - 20" down .5"
Body Fat -19% down 2.4%

Overall I happy that I am continuing to lose inches. I sometimes start to psych myself out but I gotta look at the big picture and stay focused. My clothes are fitting better, I feel great and I am ready to kick things up a bit and see what I can do in Phase 2!

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Before -  211+ pounds                                        Day 30 - Round 2-  161 pounds

1 comment:

  1. FREAKIN' AWESOME! =] I think everyone is kinda like "..wait..what..?" with results from their second round. I know I have been up and down about it like crazy! Maybe it's because the first time around it's such a blast to the system that the second time your body has a steady rhythm to weight loss and muscle gain. =] You're doing amazing and your results are AMAZING! =D
