Monday, May 3, 2010

Abs are made in the kitchen, NOT in the gym!?

I've heard this comment quite a few times and never really paid much mind to it....until recently. As you know I have been doing P90X for well over a 100 days. I am in my 2nd Round and despite Ab Ripper X , Ab Ripper 200 and Core Synergistics I don't have abs. Well, let me rephrase can't see my abs. I have lost over 6 inches from my waist and I can feel them, but they are trapped under a disgusting layer of gooey, flabby, fat....lovely image eh?! (Obviously, that is not me in the pic featured here either...sigh)

The other night I was on Facebook and found this article from Tony Horton:

"In the land of last hurrahs, the infamous 6-pack is high on the list. The feeling out there is that if you've got a 6-pack, you've arrived. I have a 6-pack and love handles. What does that say about me? I've arrived at needing to eat my cake/cookies too. Owning a 6-pack (or even an 8-pack) is a result of three key components: diet, cardiovascular exercise, and core/ab work. What most people don't realize is that the core/ab work is last on the list when it comes to how your abs rise to the surface. That's right—last! Once they begin to show, the way you work them will influence their aesthetic appearance.

If you had stayed active and ate well early on in life (and stayed that way), your stomach muscles would be as easy to see as your head. That stuff covering up your abs is fat. Fat that has accumulated from a life of poor diet and inactivity. Your abdominal muscles are buried far beneath the surface. Ninety-eight percent of humans who attempt to bring the 6-pack to the surface with just crunches, ab lounges, and any other silly low-calorie-burning repetitive motion will fail. That fat is unburned fuel. Cardiovascular exercise involving your legs and a diet low in fat, sugar, and sodium is the way of the 6-pack.

Talk to anyone who has had great results resurfacing the 6-pack from doing Power 90®, and they'll tell you that eating in the top two tiers of Michi's Ladder and three solid cardio days a week (done consistently) had more to do with it than crunches alone. Do your Ab Ripper routines, Cardio, and Sculpt three days a week. Eat the kind of food seven days a week that doesn't add to the unwanted fuel that keeps "The Pack" from rising to the surface.

Reading this made me step back and really think about my nutrition. I've been working at it but I don't think I have been giving it my all. Yes, I just recently started the 21 Day Clean Eating Challenge and I think this may help to get me closer to the 6 pack I have always dreamed of.....hell who am I kidding...I'll be happy with flat at the this point. (You know its sad when you look at the Beachbody product guide and say hell I'd be happy with her before photo!)

If you have also been working hard and not seeing results in your abs it may be time to step into the kitchen and up the cardio you do instead of doing 100's of crunches a day.  I also found this while doing some web searches....maybe it will help you! Flat Stomach Food Guide

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