Thursday, April 1, 2010

Welcome to my fitness journey!

My name is Nicole Hynes ...but you can call me Nikki....and this is my story.

I began my fitness journey in May 2009. I was unhappy and overweight (as I had been for most of my life) and I knew I had to do something about it...I was tipping the scale at 211 pounds and I'm 5'9".

A friend of mine started a journey of their own with some program I had never heard of.....P90X.  I found myself inspired by them and wanting to do something to better myself so I began to tweak my nutrition and added some yoga to my daily routine. Soon after starting I began to feel good and added some daily cardio. In my first few weeks I lost 10lbs and I felt something click within me....I could do this.....I WOULD do this!

Another friend of mine was also looking to lose weight so we decided to challenge each other. We were going on vacation in a few weeks and both wanted to lose something before having to put on the dreaded swim suit in the Orlando, FL heat! I began to work harder, adding longer cardio sessions and working even harder at my nutrition. By the time we left for vacation I was happy with my achievements and managed to stay focused our whole vacation. I even lost weight while in Disney on their meal plan which is nothing but rich, not diet friendly food!

By September I had lost 30 pounds. I was up late one night when a P90X infomercial came on. I thought back to my friend who was following the program and having amazing results. I was curious but scared at the same time. I had never worked out like that....I mean I had a gym membership at one point or another in my life but I would do the treadmill, bike, some weight machines but nothing like what Tony Horton challenged you to do. I of course didn't order it, but it was stuck in my head. The next day while at a friends house I mentioned it and low and behold, her husband used to use the program. They offered it to me to borrow and try so off I ran to Target to get some bands, weights and I luckily already had the yoga mat!

Day 1: I decided to follow the lean version of the program so Core Synergistics kicked my butt and I was left sweaty, gasping for breath and wondering WTF I was doing! I could barely do a push up and Superman/Banana was almost the death of me.....but I LOVED it.....I wanted more....I NEEDED to conquer this.

I chugged along through the first 30 days of the program....I wanted to puke during most of the Ab Ripper X sessions, I was sore, I was tired of eating constantly, I missed my carbs, I was sick of seeing the scale move up instead of down and I began questioning things. I don't know if the universe stepped in or what but I managed to re-injure two herniated discs I have in my back right around the 30 day mark. I was totally laid up and couldn't P90X was put on hold.

Things didn't improve with my back until January and by then I was itching to restart P90X. This time I did things right. I read up on nutrition, I ask questions about protein and supplements, I took my measurements and photos (unfortunately I lost the XD card that had and I decided after week 2 to toss the scale out of the closest window.

Around this time I also start Tweeting and managed to find the most AMAZING bunch of people. They were all supportive, patient and full of information. With their help, and my thick headedness I stuck with it and never missed a workout. Well...I missed a few but always pulled doubles to make up for it.

Day 30 came up fast and I was surprised to see my measurements had changed and my clothes were getting big. I had lost 2" off my waist and I was grateful I took measurements cause the scale was not kind.....but muscle weighs more than fat so I moved on. (no 30 day pics since they were on missing xd card)

Day 60: Another 2"inches lost from my weight and I got the scale to move in my favor! I was ridiculously happy and committed more than before!

I am now in my final week of P90X and I have become an Independent Beachbody Coach! I have also taken the Insanity fit test and after doing a full workout I have decided I need to ease into it so a P90X/Insanity hybrid is in store for my next round!

I will post my P90X numbers soon and I will continue to blog about my next adventure with the Hybrid!

Thanks for reading,

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Before 211+pounds                         Day 60 - 163 pounds

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