Sunday, April 25, 2010

Day 4,5,6.....oh man!

Well sooner or later it always happens. I allow life to get in the way of what I want and need to do and it results in me missing workouts....sigh.

Day 4 SHOULD have been YogaX which is a 90 min workout. I will be the first to admit I am not a huge fan of it so I was not heartbroken by missing the workout. I do however KNOW that Tony Horton IS a huge fan of yoga and he feels it is a key component of his workout program so I did feel a little guilty the next day.  If it redeems me at all I have been doing 10 Minute Trainer Yoga almost everyday.....hey....I know it's not YogaX but it's something....right?!

Day 5 was another screw up for me. Legs and Back plus Ab Ripper X were the scheduled workout for the day. I'm not even sure what I ended up doing yesterday but I know sneaky lunges and wall squats were not one of them. Oh....yesterday was the lovely fender bender in the parking lot at my job....sigh....I should have done some Kenpo as a stress reliever, instead I grabbed and beer and enjoyed some conversation with a friend....oh well.

Day 6 - Now this workout I DID do.....KenpoX.....hands down my FAVORITE workout in this program! I never get tired of this routine...EVER! I can jab, cross, hook, uppercut all day long! LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it!!! I always end up energized, relieved of stress and in a full on sweat by the end of the hour...I couldn't ask for more! Well....maybe two days of Kenpo...we could replace YogaX...hahaha....just is important....I know.....*rolls eyes.

Anyway....tomorrow is technically my rest day but my plan is to start the day off with some 10 Minute Trainer Yoga (still trying to redeem myself here), then do Legs and Back, I will sub Ab Ripper 200 cause I like it better. Finally before bed I will unwind with some xStretch. Now this is the doesn't mean it will all happen. Let's face it I'm a parent and I'm human....things come up and we aren't perfect. I do however always try to make up for what I miss. That's all I can Tony says....Do your best and forget the rest!

Keep bringing it people and I will try not to be such a slacker next week!

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