Sunday, October 31, 2010

It’s Fit Test Time!

Happy Halloween boys and girls! I started my day off with a trick that turned out to be a treat. See, today should have been my rest day with INSANITY, (this is the trick part), but I did decided along with a few others in the #insanecrew to do the fit test today, since we have our first Max workout tomorrow. I psyched myself up to expect some lower numbers since my back has been a little "iffy" on power jumps and I was just not really in the mood to workout this morning. It was a rough workout and it left me gasping for air during most of it but I was pleasantly surprised with my numbers (this is the treat part, in case you were wondering).

Enough of my rambling, you just want the numbers....I get it!

Here is a link to the second Fit Test Results if you missed them.

Overall here are my improvements since the first fit test:

Switch Kicks:     +6
Power Jacks:     +8
Power Knees:    +31
Power Jumps:    +6
Globe Jumps:       +1
Suicide Jumps:  +3
Push-Up Jacks: +10
Low Plank Obliques: +8

I am truly shocked as to how far I've come in such a short amount of time. I might conduct a test on a rest day to see if I can do more Globe Jumps, Suicide Jumps and Push-Up Jacks if do them right after the warm-up. I'm pretty sure I can and it's just that I'm so tired from the Switch Kicks and Power Jacks to give it my complete all.

Hope everyone has a Spooktacular Halloween! If you need me, I'll be in the pumpkin patch with my blankie waiting for The Great Pumpkin!

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Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Here Come the Holidays!

It's that time of year again. We kick it off with the sweet bite sized treats of Halloween, follow it with too much turkey and stuffing, add in some cookies, cocktails and hors d'oeuvres and then end it with the dreaded stepping on the scale and shaking our heads in disgust.'s the holiday season kick off, but if you make a few changes now, it doesn't have to end in tears while standing on a scale in your birthday suit come January!

This weekend is Halloween, which means you most likely have many bags of bite sized treats taunting you. They seem innocent as they are tiny, however many of us don't stop at one treat...we stop when the bag is empty. This year I did things a little different, I haven't purchased any Halloween treats yet. I plan on going to pick them up on Saturday so I am not tempted to dip into the bag of little progress sabotagers. I am human, therefore I will indulge in a few pieces here and there, but they will be earned treats and they will be rationed into daily "rewards" for myself. I also plan on picking up a small bag of Hershey Dark Chocolate Miniatures as I enjoy them and they are a "healthy" option to the peanut butter cup or Butterfinger if I truly feel the need for the sweet treat.

Next up on the  holiday list is Thanksgiving, which to me is one of the hardest food holidays. Many families indulge in a nice breakfast while watching the Macy's Thanksgiving Day Parade. Food preparations often start the night before if you will be cooking for many guests. There is a lot of tasting involved during the cooking processes as well, which leads to MANY unaccounted for calories. Add in the football games which means chips & dip, appetizers and a few beers and  you have most likely taken in more than your daily allotted calories before the actual meal is even served!

Ways to ease the calories here is to try to stick to your normal healthy breakfast (for me, it's Shakeology), snack on raw veggies instead of taking spoonfuls of mashed potatoes every time you pass the pot on the stove, drink lots of water and bank some of your calories so you can enjoy Grandma's favorite holiday recipes that you look forward to all year.  Another great idea is to also have healthier steamed or roasted veggie options along with the traditional decadent holiday favorites.

As soon as the table is cleared, the pants are unbuttoned and you've taken your tryptophan siesta on the couch the reality of Christmas hits you. Many people wake up and brave the stores and malls for Black Friday deals. This usually results in grabbing a cup of coffee at 3am as you run out of the door with your flyers and lists in hand, to go fight people for items you really don't need because they are a "good deal" (totally off topic, but true). After the mayhem a Dunkin Donuts run is usually in order followed by a nap and leftovers from the night before. Healthy? I think not!

If you feel the need to run out at 3am to wait in line, why not plan your meals as well as your deal catching strategies? It's not hard to grab a protein bar, toss some fruit into your bag or even stop and sit at a diner with your shopping partner for healthier option to the glazed donut.

From here on, it's baking cookies and other sweets, office parties, family get togethers and lots of time spent at the mall. It's easy to get run down and opt for some drive-thru on the way home. This is when you need to be most focused and here are some things I plan of doing this holiday season:

  • Plan out your meals. If you shop in advance and have a plan you are less likely to stop for that greasy cheeseburger!

  • Bust out the crock-pot so it can do the work for you while you are out and about. There is nothing like coming home to a healthy meal that is waiting to be served.

  • Don't waste time looking for a parking spot right up front. Park further away and walk briskly. It will help to get your heart rate up a little and give you an energy boost.

  • Keep healthy snacks handy on those long shopping days. I try to always have a Cliff bar and a piece of fruit in my bag so I'm not tempted to get Auntie Ann's or Mrs. Fields while at the mall.

  • If you are already following a workout regimen stick to it! I know we run short on time around the holidays but you will feel better if you do. Sticking to it will also help you make wiser food choices and it helps to reduce stress!

  • Limit alcohol intake at holiday parties. Alcohol is just empty calories and adds up fast.

  • Eat a healthy meal BEFORE going to holiday parties. By doing this you won't be starving when you arrive and you will be less likely to pop every bites sized hors d'oeuvre into your mouth as they come around.

  • Drink you water! This is one of the most important tips for any day of the year. People mistake dehydration for hunger all the time. If you consistently drink water you will feel full and consume fewer calories throughout the day.

Now I'm not saying that you can't enjoy yourself  during the holidays. I'm just asking that you be smart about it. Have a few treats that you only get this time of year. There’s no reason to skip your favorites, just remember moderation. Part of the holidays is eating foods that you normally wouldn't with friends and family that you may not normally see. Denying yourself any of these treats will only backfire on you later. Try to limit the splurges to the actual holiday itself and pass on the leftovers. If you goof up, it's not the end of the world. Just climb back on the wagon and hold on for dear life. The 8 weeks will be over before you know it and hopefully the Kleenex will not be needed on January 1st when you step on the scale.

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Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Recovery Week = Halfway Done

I did it! I survived the first month of INSANITY, and I feel amazing!

This has by far been the toughest Beachbody product for me to date. I am NOT a cardio lover, so I knew going in that this was going to be a challenge. With this program I truly have to give it my all during each workout or I would easily fail. Each workout is a mind over matter battle. My mind constantly wants me to stop, but I pull it together, regain my focus and push on.

My results for month one are not mind blowing. I have gained and lost the same 5lbs all month, so no major weight loss for me. I did lose an inch from each thigh, an inch from my hips and a half inch from my waist. The biggest improvement has been in the cardiovascular department.

The #INSANECREW and I are now in Recovery Week, but please don't be fooled by the name. Shaun T has no interest in letting you "rest" he just simply tortures you in a new way. Honestly, I really like the Core Cardio & Balance workout and that's a good thing since I have to do it all week.

Here is what it consists of:

Warm Up (6 exercises)

Switch Heel Kicks, Mummy Kicks, Football Shuffle, Over the Log, 8 High Knees/8 Power Jacks, 8 Fast Feet/8 Hooks


Main Workout (10 exercises)

Moving Ski Hops, Hit the Floor, Level 1 Drills, Heismans, 8 Switch Kicks/8Hop Squats, High Jumps, Moving Plank Walk, 8 Elbows/8 Suicide Drills, 4 & 4 Hops, 8 Jabs/Jumps

Hip Flexor Burners (Pure Evil)


Shoulder Burners & Plies (My arms were ready to fall off my the end)


This sounds like a lot but the workout is only about 37 mins if I recall correctly. The Hip Flexor and Shoulder sections are the hardest (at least for me) because your muscles truly start to burn during them.

I'm a little nervous to begin month two of INSANITY, but I'm sure it will all be worth it in the end!

Bring it! Dig Deep!

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Monday, October 11, 2010

and the results are.....

Believe it or not 2 weeks of INSANITY are in the books, which means that this morning was Fit Test #2. I pushed myself really hard because I had to beat my own numbers from the first test. I was quite successful in doing that with all of the moves except for those dreaded Globe Jumps. They are hands down my least favorite along with Power Jumps....pure evil!

So, here is what you really came here to see.....The Results of Fit Test #2:

Here is a link to my First Fit Test Results if you missed them.

Overall here are my improvements:

Switch Kicks:     +5
Power Jacks:     +6
Power Knees:    +18
Power Jumps:    +4
Globe Jumps:       0
Suicide Jumps:  +2
Push-Up Jacks: +7
Low Plank Obliques: +6

I'm very pleased with my improvement in only 2 short weeks. I was a little upset during Low Plank Obliques because my arms became tired before my legs or obliques did and I could have went longer. Also Power Jumps followed by Globe Jumps are just sheer torture. I know I could do more Suicide Jumps if I wasn't coming right off the previous two.

Here to another 2 weeks of digging deep, cause this sh*ts bananas yo!

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Thursday, October 7, 2010

The Ever Evolving Me.

“All that we are is the result of what we have thought. The mind is everything. What we think we become.” -Buddha

The past 18 months have been interesting. They have been all about self discovery; finding myself, finding what I want, what makes me happy, who makes me happy and most to be happy with myself.

Mind you, I was not usually a person to put myself first and I didn't purposely set out on this mission, it just sort of found me. I suppose it comes with the territory when you decide enough is enough and actually do something about being overweight and unhappy.

I was forced to face feelings that I didn't want to, some of which I have written about here  before. I had to look at relationships and see them for what they really were and most importantly, realize that no one but ME could make the changes that needed to be made. I was going to be the one who needed to find new ways of dealing with the feelings and the thought process that made me turn to food and laying on the couch in order to cope, right?

The roller coaster of emotions I experienced made me feel like I was going crazy at times. The pressure I put on myself to stick to my goals was crushing. I held/hold myself to a very high standard and quite honestly I am thankful I do or I may not have made it as far as I have.

Relationships were tested and not all survived, but those that did came out stronger than ever and I have a renewed view on them. As for the ones that didn't, they all taught me something and left me with some great memories.

Lessons were learned as well. I was introduced to failure but didn't let it get the best of me. I picked myself, dusted myself off and found an alternative path to my goal. Adapting is an important part of the learning me on this one.

The funny thing about this journey is how it keeps changing. Every time I think I have  figured something out about myself things shift, perspective changes, someone new enters my life and sheds a new way of thinking on my situation. It amazes me how much I have grown over these past months and how I wouldn't even recognize my old self if we were in a room together.

The old me never would have imagined I would be where I am today. I would have never dreamed I would be helping and motivating other people to reach their fitness goals, recommending workout programs to get them started or encouraging and pushing them to reach their next level. It's been an amazing experience and I am truly happy that I have taken the steps I have. I have a new confidence in myself that I never had before.

I can honestly sit here as I write this and say that I can't wait to see what tomorrow holds. You never know who you may meet, what new lesson you may learn or what path your life may take next. All you can do is enjoy each moment as it is presented to you. Take the good with the bad and be thankful for the chance to make the best of it.

"The future is completely open, and we are writing it moment to moment." -Pema Chodron

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Experimenting with Sport Beans...

During the past week of Insanity, trying to find balance between meals and workout times has been a challenge. I've found that I have to wait at least 2 hours after a meal to begin my workout or I will puke. The problem with this, is that I've been eating every 2-2.5 hours since beginning this program, so I end up running out of energy halfway through my workout and struggle to finish.

While talking with my #insanecrew the other day my beloved coach brought up Sport Beans. I had never heard of  them before so I instantly started asking questions. I found out that there is this whole group of energy aids out there that runners like ranging from Sport Beans to some stuff called GU. Apparently you take them before a hard workout and they give you the energy that you need to make it through without a big meal...SCORE!

Of course I hunted down these beans and bought a few bags in various flavors, along with some GU to test them out and see if they actually worked.

Last night was the big night...I decided to test out the Sport Beans! I flipped over the bag, read the directions and started chomping away on them 30 mins before my workout as directed. Some of the flavors were quite icky (yes, I used the word icky) while the fruit punch and berry were actually quite good. I grabbed some water since you are supposed to hydrate while using them and started my workout.

Fast forward to the halfway point were I felt the beans sitting in my chest and I was as jittery as a junkie who took too much speed! I had TONS of energy but couldn't hold a plank pose to save my life cause my arms were shaky and I felt sick from the sweetness of the beans.

Of course when my workout was over I told my #insanecrew about my experience and found out that I shouldn't have followed the package directions. It seems that eating 3-4 beans as I'm waiting for the disc to load is all I should have done.....can you say oops?! (Or should I say "Thanks for the heads up tweeps!")

Lesson of the Day: Don't eat a whole package of Sports Beans to do an INSANITY workout unless you want to be a jitter-iffic mess for the rest of the night/day.

Today I tried them again for Pure Cardio and I only popped 2 beans as I pressed play. I had plenty of energy for the workout, didn't feel hungry at the halfway mark and didn't get jittery at all. (Insert the "SCORE!" I was searching for.)

By following this modified way of using them I give them a huge thumbs up and thank my coach for telling me about them. (Even if I wanted to kill him last night for not telling me this sooner to ignore the package directions.)

For those you interested in Sport Beans here is some info or you can go to their website. I also found out that they make Extreme Sport Beans with caffeine. I guess I should be grateful I didn't chomp down a whole pack of those last night!

Sport Beans™, from the makers of Jelly Belly® beans, are specially formulated to fuel your body before, during and after exercise.

  • Simply explained, Sport Beans are Jelly Beans formulated with carbohydrates, electrolytes and vitamins B and C

  • Eat one packet with one to two cups of water about 30 minutes before exercising

  • During a long workout, eat one packet every 45 minutes

  • Eat after a workout to replenish muscles of depleted carbohydrates

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Saturday, October 2, 2010

End of INSANITY Week 1

Well....I did it! I survived week 1 of INSANITY. That's right, I'm still breathing, still walking and still able to move! Ha! Take that Shaun T!

*To celebrate my achievement I purchased the items in the photo as a gift for myself at the Beachbody Game Plan Tour today in Brooklyn.

Day 4 - Cardio Recovery: I would like to rename this workout "Recovery My Ass" or maybe "Quad Killer". I don't know who Shaun T thinks he's kidding, but this is no recovery workout. I felt more discomfort in this than the others because of how long you had to hold the poses and then pulse on top of it. Don't be fouled people...this is no typical recovery! Lesson of the Day: Don't go up and down stairs right after Cardio Recovery. Stairs + jello legs = falling on your butt.

Day 5 - Pure Cardio: This workout and I have met before in the past. It's the typical INSANITY warm-up that's you've come to know and dislike followed by 15 minutes of puke-tastic cardio that will leave you dripping with sweat and begging for your mommy! Lesson of the Day: "That sh*t was BA-nana's, yo!"

Day 6 - Plyometric Cardio Circuit: I already wrote about this one since I did it on Tuesday. I did this workout late tonight after coming home from the Beachbody Game Plan Event and I was surprised that I'm getting better at it. I'm not as winded after the warm-up, I'm getting lower in my stretches and as I learn the routine I'm flowing easier. I also noticed that I'm fine as long as I don't stop. Stopping seems to be the kiss of death! Lesson of the Day: Don't wear a t-shirt to do INSANITY workouts unless you are truly insane and want to sweat your last braincell out. Stick to tank tops, sports bras or no shirt if your a guy.

Day 7 - A day of rest: Thank you lord.

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